
Archive for May, 2010


This Ivan Marx film also includes infamous footage of a wounded sasquatch limping around.

That creature was actually Marx’s long suffering wife. She is dressed all in black and limps around for the camera.

This film is really nothing more than Ivan Marx filming his vacations and hunting trips, all of which are strung together with this bizarre narrative about bigfoot.

The whole thing falls flat, if you ask me.

Marx should have stayed with making mediocre nature films.

Of course, I doubt he would have made as much money with that footage.

He needed some sizzle, so I guess he asked his wife one day, “Honey, we aren’t breaking even on my nature films. Will you dress up as bigfoot and limp around for me?”

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Dogs have been found to be very interested in imitating human behavior. I think that there may be something to studying dogs that at least appear to be trying to imitate human language.

Siberian huskies, of course, do make a lot of different noises, so it is hard to say if this dog is actually imitating or not.

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Really good blog post here.

Most important part:

One of my favorite things about Turid’s presentation was that she provided me with the opportunity to see dog training as it is viewed in another culture, that of Turid’s native Scandinavia. In the course of her presentation, Turid said something to the effect of, “you Americans are control freaks with your dogs! You want to control when they look at something in the environment, for how long, when they look at you, when and if they are allowed to sniff something interesting in the environment, how quickly or slowly they walk, etc.”

I see what Turid is saying. As a culture, we Americans tend to be pushy, demanding, type A, control freaks. We want what we want, when we want it, and how we want it. The concept of, “we must be leaders to our dogs at all times,” really does fit nicely in with our fast-paced, control freak culture.

I am hesitant to post this, imagining what will probably be a passionate backlash from those who may disagree with me, but I will say that now I’ve had many months to reflect on Turid’s presentation, I have come to decide that perhaps, just maybe, we should try to let our dogs take the lead more often.

I’ll be the first to admit that I have what might be called hippie ideas about how humans relate to dogs.

Unlike the author of that blog post, I am not so hesitant to post anything like this, simply because I know that we Americans like micromanaging our dogs.

We take it as an affront to our egos if the dog doesn’t do what we say every time.

When someone is in that mindset, it is hard to have any kind of rational discourse. Trust me. You’ve read my blog posts that counter Cesar Millan’s poppycock. You know what even considering this does to certain people.

I actually think a lot of this comes from a certain level of personal insecurity. I can’t control everything in my life, but I can make my dog “mind me.”

And I think some of it comes from the bizarre romance about what working dogs are. If the founders of a certain type of dog training did it this way, then we must do it now, even if there are other ways of doing it.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” Einstein once said.

And I think so much of that applies to dogs.

Dogs are not living up to their potential as a species. I could only imagine what the relationship between our two species would be like if we’d just let go a little.

We’re the species with the control problems.

It’s not them.

It’s us.

Yes, train them. Teach them rules and social mores.

But we have to let go at some point. Otherwise, the dog becomes an extension of egos and ceases being its own entity.

And you don’t have a relationship.

You have master and slave.

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These two species are actually quite closely related, so it would make sense that the males would fight each other. Of course, the body language is a bit different, and the rooster has the ability to make displays the cock pheasant cannot.

There are actual hybrids between ring-necked pheasants and domestic fowl, so maybe this rooster had something to worry about.

I don’t think these hybrids occur unless chickens and pheasants are raised together, so I wouldn’t worry about wild pheasants breeding with your hens.

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Jožin z bažin – English subtitles


This song is by Ivan Mládek, and it comes from the former Czechoslovakia.

I’ve heard that this is a popular song among children in the Czech Republic even today.

I don’t know how I could categorize this post as anything but “Absolute Piffle.”

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Mercy Mercy Me

Marvin Gaye– Same stuff, different decade.


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This is close-captioned in case you can’t hear it.

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It’s an island fox.

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Check it out!

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I have not read The Snow Leopard, but I do have an ancient copy of Wildlife in America sitting just across the room from me.

I read it with great interest when it arrived as a Christmas present a few years ago.

It’s quite a gem.

And he’s not a bad storyteller either, as you’ll see in this clip.

Never trust a writer who is pretentious. Pretense is a cover for lack of talent.

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